Steen Møller Rasmussen: Selected works
Screening followed by Q&A and a reception
Steen Møller Rasmussen: Fotografi (2006)
Screening followed by a conversation between the artist and curator Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz
A. E. Brandt: The Order of Release
Reading followed by conversation between the author and Jeuno JE Kim
Sally Potter: Thriller (1979)
Screening followed by talk by Stine Hebert
Rose English & Sally Potter: The Gold Diggers (1983)
Rose English & Sally Potter: Hast du ‘Berlin’ Gefunden?
Johanne Løgstrup: Forestillinger om en udstilling med Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Julia Jupiter Child & Melanie Kitti: UNRAVELLED and Halvt urne, halvt gral
Oscar Lara: A fourth life? Decolonial strategies within socially engaged practice
Winnie Sze: “An African feeling with a living Western culture” – the art of Ernest Mancoba
Marianne Heier: Lost Light
Yvette Brackman & Rita Lipson: Between Testimony and Narration
in conversation with jounalist Heidi Laura
I’m an Archive
An archive only has value if you open it!
I'm an Archive
Ways to access my artistic archive: A workshop about anti-index/mind-mapping
How I store my works: On choice of material, storage, documentation, and digital archives
Securing the future of your artworks – on wills and copyright
Public Service Television as Scene for Experimentality
Seminar with Andjeas Ejiksson, Eva la Cour, Mia Edelgart and Nete Nørgaard Kristensen
Christian Vind: Lolland I-III
Pist Protta 94
Across Generations
Readings by Ditte Holm Bro, Andrea Fjordside Pontoppidan, Helene Johanne Christensen, and a presentation by Rosita Kær.
ArtPod: With Crossed Fingers in the Casket?
Mathias Kryger interviews Stine Hebert and Johanne Løgstrup about archives, art, and their project HEIRLOOM
Frances Scott: Selected works
Film screening followed by conversation between the artist and Stine Hebert
Kirsten Christensen: Art is a Risk (in Danish)
in coversation with Johanne Løgstrup (link)
Jef Cornelis: De langste dag
Screening in connection with the exhibition Heart on the Tongue
Jef Cornelis: The Gentrification of the City and the Settlement of the Street
Jef Cornelis: Art in an Expanded Field
Jef Cornelis: Art Discourse on TV
Kirsten Christensen: Makulering
Anne-Mette Schultz & Signe Frederiksen: AT LÆRE AT GØRE
Before Forgetting: Selected works on Palestine
I'm an Archive II
The Value and Potential of the Archive
The Path into My Artistic Archive
Study circle 1 by Stine Hebert and Johanne Løgstrup
How Do I Store My Works? – on selection of material, storage, documentation, and accessibility
The Future of Works – on wills and copyright
Study circle 2 by Stine Hebert and Johanne Løgstrup
MC Coble & Louise Wolthers: Things Change Anyway
in conversation with art historian Elias Ståhl
in conversation with artist and professor Nina Wakeford