Across Generations

Readings by Ditte Holm Bro, Andrea Fjordside Pontoppidan, Helene Johanne Christensen, and a presentation by Rosita Kær.

Saturday 3 February, 14:0016:00

Reading, presentation, onsite


HEIRLOOM invites you to an afternoon of presentations and readings by a series of contemporary authors and a visual artist, whose work all treats intergenerational relationships.

The exhibition Mother Always Has A Mother explores how knowledge, memory, and narrative flow across generations.

Everyone is welcome. The event takes place in Danish.


Welcome and introduction by Johanne Løgstrup, co-founder of HEIRLOOM and curator of Mother Always Has A Mother

Ditte Holm Bro reads from the novel Hver gang du trækker vejret, indånder du støvet fra vores knogler (Every Time You Breathe, You Inhale the Dust of Our Bones)

Andrea Fjordside Pontoppidan reads from her poetry collection Kartoffeløje (Potatoeye)

Rosita Kær presents her praxis and her work Almost No Memory, and Helene Johanne Christensen reads her poem KH no. 1555, written for Rosita Kær's work.


Ditte Holm Bro is a writer and translator. She reads from her novel Hver gang du trækker vejret, indånder du støvet fra vores knogler (Every Time You Breathe, You Inhale the Dust of Our Bones) from 2023. It is a poetic novel about women’slives and conditions in the 1950s and a book that touches on themes of friendship, longing and desire – and the desperation and euphoria of everyday.

Helene Johanne Christensen is a writer, teacher of creative writing, and an art mediator. She has published two collections of poetry collections and a series of essays published in various journals. In her latest collection of poems, Sammenfald from 2021, she, among other things, deals with bodily knowledge, consciousness, nature, and science. She has written the poem KH no. 1555 for Rosita Kær's work in the exhibition.

Andrea Fjordside Pontoppidan is an author, literary writer, teacher and publisher. She reads from her poetry collection Kartoffeløje (Potatoeye) from 2023, which deals with illness, care, handing over remedial practices, and knowledge, as well as memories and memory and their loss.

Rosita Kær is a visual artist, and her work oscillates between sculpture, text, archival research and textile. In a series of projects, she has worked with her grandmother, weaver and textile researcher Karen-Hanne Stærmose Nielsen (1933-2023) and her collection of textiles. In her work Almost No Memories, which is shown at the exhibition Mother Always Has A Mother, she takes her great-great-grandmother's underwear as a starting point, which Kær's grandmother wive into a rag rug. This Kær has now unravelled and reworked into a new work of textile art.
