I'm an Archive II

The Path into My Artistic Archive

Wednesday 9 October, 15:0017:00

Workshop, Talk, Off-site

HEIRLOOM – center for art and archives and the Association of Visual Artists (BKF) invites you to attend a series of events exploring a range of perspectives on how visual artists can engage with their own artistic archives. The goal of this program is to deepen artists' understanding of their collective body of work, addressing key issues stretching from copyright and legal considerations to conservation practices and creative approaches.

Presentaions by Anna Lawaetz, senior researcher at The Royal Library, the Theatre Collection, and Tone Olaf Nielsen, curator, focusing on their work with visual artist Pia Arke's archive.

The title, I’m an Archive, is inspired by the British artist Barbara Stevini (1928–2020), who in her later years revisited pivotal points of her politically and socially engaged art practice. The title serves as both a tribute to the artist’s legacy and a poignant, somewhat cynical reminder: Visual artists often constitute the most comprehensive archives of their own work, possessing invaluable knowledge not held  by museums, galleries, or other institutions.

This course consists of four workshops and two study circles.

There are limited places and registration is required.
